This post comes a little late. Last night we had no internet access. Yesterday started out great, it wasn't rainging for a change and we took a hike on one of the tallest sand dunes in Oregon. After that we headed south for Coos Bay where there was a Walmart. We needed to resupply. Walmarts are very rare so we have to try to hit the cities where we know they are. We couldn't find it. Finally went to information center. We found out where Walmart was and in the process the women talked us into going to myrtlewood factory for a tour. They said that this is the only place in the U.S. that the mytlewood tree grows. They make bowls, clocks, ornaments, etc, and even golf putters. It was very interesting. After we visited Walmart we went to Sunset Bay State park for the night. By this time it had started raining hard. Set up camp, tried to set up dish for TV, no luck too many trees. Then I discovered there was no cell tower close enough, so no internet, no blog. Read a book and went to bed. I will tell you more tomorrow.